Fraud Detection & Verifications

Social Security Verification (SSA-89)

Social Security validation provides lenders with accurate information about an applicant’s identity. When you receive factual data regarding a potential borrower, risk is minimized and fraud can be detected.

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Do you know if your applicant’s Social Security number is accurate?

Get accurate information about an applicant’s identity while minimizing risk associated with your business by detecting fraud. The SSA Form 89 verification report enables lenders to fully comply with the mortgage industry Social Security Number (SSN) verification requirements including the Fannie Mae Loan Quality Initiative.
Our online system enables a client to quickly and easily attach the imaged file of the completed and borrower signed SSA Form 89 to the electronic order. The SSN Verification Report is returned in minutes in PDF format and includes the clients’ reference number and date stamp for their records.

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Benefits of the SSA-89 Verification Report


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What to expect when using SSA-89

The SSA-89 efficiently verifies whether a name (first, middle, & last), date of birth, gender code (if submitted) and SSN combination matches the data in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) records. It’s then submitted directly to the SSA. The report is then returned as either…
When information provided matches SSA records.
When the input matches a record on the SSA’s Death Master File.

When information provided does not match SSA records.

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The best technology is useless if you can't depend on the people behind the scenes

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