Credit Technologies is pleased to announce the integration of Credit Technologies Data through the GMAC-RFC/ AssetWise automated underwriting system. This increases the number of approved lenders, including all lenders utilizing FNMA DO/DU and Credit One.
Credit Technologies is a nationally approved Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac CRA. All lenders associated with either FNMA DO/DU or FMAC LP accept CT data.
A complete listing of FNMA lenders is available at
The FMAC LP list is available at
Please note, some lenders, such as Countrywide have deals in place that require brokers to use their CRA (CW owns Landsafe) when ordering credit or submitting deals though their front end (e.g. CLUES – Countrywide’s Loan Underwriting Expert System or CLOUT – Countrywide’s Loan Origination and Underwriting Technology.)
A partial lender and integration partner list is provided below. Please call 800.445. 4922 for questions specific to integration with any lender or platform.
- Acceleron (formally Novastar)
- Accubank
- American Guardian
- Ameritrust
- ARC Systems / LendTech
- Aurora Loans
- Available Mortgage Funding / Mortgage Broker Vision
- Avista
- Banker Systems / ARTA
- BeanStalk / OpenClose
- Bear Stearns / Bear Direct
- Calyx / Point
- Capital Funding
- CBC Innovis / BytePro
- Channel Inc
- Chase /Zippy
- CitiMortgage
- Closed First
- Commerce Velocity
- Concorde Acceptance Wholesale / Loan Vine
- CR Pacific
- Creative Thinking / Creative Visions
- Criterion Systems / Loan Vision
- CRMNow / MortgageIQ
- DelMar Database / DataTrac
- Delphi Information / Applidocs & Discovery
- Dexma / Prime Alliance
- Direct Mortgage Funding / Direct Express
- Dynatek / MorVision
- Ellie Mae / Contour, Encompass & Genesis
- eMagic
- Encore Credit Corp
- Fairfield Mortgage
- Fannie Mae / Desktop Originator and Desktop Underwriter
- FICS / Loan Producer
- Fidelity National / Eastern Empower
- First Greensboro Home Equity / E-valuator
- First Franklin
- FlagStar
- Franklin Financial / Franklin Direct
- Freddie MAC / Loan Prospector
- GMAC Residential Funding / AssetWise Direct
- Greenlight Financial
- GreenPoint Mortgage / E-Point
- GN Mortgage / GN Select
- Harland / E3, LaserPro & MortgageWare
- Helvetica Group
- Homecomings Financial / AssetWise Direct
- Home Quest Capital / Approved Point
- Homeland Mortgage / HomeXpress Online
- Impac Funding / iDaslg2
- IndyMac / eMits
- Insight Lending / PriceMyLoan
- Integra / Destiny
- Kellner Mortgage / Kloser
- LenderFlex
- Liberty American Mortgage
- LoanScore
- LongBeach Mortgage
- Maverick Mortgage
- Mega Loan Officer Officer Machine / MLOM
- MindBox
- Mortgage Builder
- Mortgage Cadence
- Mortgage Funding / Mortgage Broker Vision
- Mortgage Software Solutions
- Mortgage Warehouse / TMW Direct
- MortgageBot / Powersite
- MortagegFlex/ LoanQuest
- MortgageHub / TMO, Diamond, Bridgelink
- National City Mortgage / ARC
- NovaStar
- Nylx
- Ocwen REALTrans®
- Ohio Savings
- Optimum
- Option One / LPS
- Overture
- Paragon Home Lending / Paragon Express
- PCLender
- Peoples Choice
- Pinnacle Direct Funding / Flex Express
- Pipeline Solutions
- ProLender Solutions
- Provident Funding
- Quality Home Loans
- Quick Loan Funding
- RAM PowerPak
- RFC AssetWise Direct / RFC AssetWise
- SearchMyLoan
- Sierra Pacific
- Sound Software / WinMort
- SunTrust
- Soluna First / Eclipse
- SouthStar Funding / StarQual
- Stone Creek Financial
- TeraVendo / LoanAce
- Trust One Direct
- United Capital Mortgage Corp / UCMC Options
- VueCentric / Mortgage Dashboard
- Wachovia / Vertice
- Washington Mutual
- Wilmington Finance
- Winter Group
- Wells FargoXetus / XetusOne
- XL Dynamic / MortgageSoft
In addition to accessing the GMAC-RFC/AssetWise system, other system enhancements including ‘
- Access to CreditXpert (Credit Analyzer and What If Simulator) on all files regardless of FNMA status.
- All files are FNMA re-issuable without having to select the FNMA checkbox
- The FNMA re-issue process is simplified – the re-issue number is now the same as the report number.
For more information on any integration issue, please contact us toll-free at 800.455.4922